Jared Schroeder

Jared Schroeder specializes in communication law, particularly as it applies to freedom of expression and emerging technologies. He is the author of The Press Clause and Digital Technology's Fourth Wave (2018), is a frequent contributor to popular and trade publications, and is often a speaker and panelist on free expression issues. Much of Schroeder’s research examines the history and theories that surround how we interpret freedom of expression safeguards. In 2019, this included a co-authored book titled Emma Goldman's No-Conscription League and the First Amendment. Other recent projects have focused on artificial intelligence and its place within our existing freedom of expression rights. Schroeder has published his research in First Amendment Law Review, Communication Law & Policy, The Review of Higher Education, and First Amendment Studies. He is an officer in the Law & Policy Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. In the classroom, Schroeder challenges students to critically consider the meaning of freedom of expression as well as the impact the questions surrounding such rights will have in their careers and lives.