Ari Waldman

Ari Ezra Waldman is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Innovation Center for Law and Technology at NYLS. He is the Founder and Director of the Institute for CyberSafety, which includes the first-of-its-kind law school pro bono clinic representing victims of online harassment. He holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and a B.A. from Harvard College. Professor Waldman is an internationally recognized thought leader on privacy, speech, and online safety. He researches how law and technology mediate social life, with particular focus on privacy, technology design, online speech, and the experiences of marginalized populations. He has won numerous awards for his scholarship, including twice winning the highest award in privacy law, the Best Paper Award at the Privacy Law Scholars Conference (in 2019 and in 2017), the 2019 Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award, the 2018 Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Lecturer on Privacy, and the Otto L. Walter Distinguished Writing Award (2016 and 2019). His first book, Privacy As Trust: Information Law for an Information Age (Cambridge University Press, 2018), argues privacy law should protect as private information shared in contexts of trust. His scholarship has been or will soon be published in leading law reviews including the Washington University Law Review (twice), the Cornell Law Review, the Iowa Law Review, the Indiana Law Journal, and the Fordham Law Review, among others, and in peer-reviewed journals such as Law and Social Inquiry. Professor Waldman has twice testified before the U.S. House of Representatives on issues relating to privacy and online social networks. His opinion pieces have appeared in The New York Times, Slate, Quartz, the New York Daily News, The Advocate, and other popular press. He has appeared on Nightline, Good Morning America, and MSNBC’s The Docket. He has also appeared as an expert on Syfy’s miniseries The Internet Ruined My Life. You can find additional information about Professor Waldman and his work on his website. You can also follow him on Twitter or on Instagram at @ariezrawaldman.